Fallout 4 (Zombies)

Watch Fallout 4 — with zombies.

Decked out with over 170 mods, this overhauled FO4 is set in a significantly more dangerous Commonwealth. Here, we go through all the quests and content that we can consume. Strap in, it’s a wild ride.

Mod list

Infected (Zombies) modpack originally by Skoldire, modified by Sam, and in turn modified by Coine. Requires logging into Nexus, as there are “adult” mods in the list.

Since the modpack contains “adult” mods, you’ll need to log into Nexus to see the list. Here’s a plain text list of what we’re using, if you don’t have a free Nexus account:

Automatically generated by Vortex mod manager

*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Wetness Shader Fix.esp
*Locky Bastard.esp
*Improved – Animated Accessible Backpack.esp
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Note: the zombies playthrough is considered complete, although we never finished the main story. More Fallout 4 in the future is likely, where we’ll be utilizing only graphics, performance, and convenience mods for a more vanilla-like experience of the game. As always, you can leave a comment to suggest a game.

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