Featuring THREE main protagonists, we take Michael, Franklin, and Trevor around San Andreas in an attempt to make something of the themselves.
The beginning. 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto V STORY
A lunatic appears 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto V STORY Walkthrough
"WHAT are you doing?!" 🔴Live— GTA 5: Heist & STORY Walkthrough
Crime in GTA V hits different 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto 5 STORY & Missions Walkthrough
This game is almost perfect 🔴Live! GTA V Story & Missions Walkthrough
Crime doesn't always pay well 🔴Live! GTA V: STORY & Missions Walkthrough
It's even BETTER in first-person 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto V
Getting away with ALL of it 🔴Live! GTA V: STORY ENDING Walkthrough
Second playthrough of GTA V
In our second live playthrough of the game, we take on more of the side activities and business hustles, along with all that comes naturally of the story and missions.
Reliving Grand Theft Auto 5 — story & missions walkthrough 🔴LIVE!
Get rich or die tryin' — GTA 5 story & missions walkthrough 🔴LIVE!
^ he's actually a pilot 🔴LIVE! Grand Theft Auto V: story & missions walkthrough
"I NEED to make cash!" 🔴Live: GTA V: story & missions walkthrough
Becoming skilled criminals 🔴Live! GTA V: story & missions walkthrough
Rockstar created a masterpiece 🔴Live! GTA V: story & missions
Making a cash withdrawal 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto V: Bank Heist
"THAT'S the job? Okay then" 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto 5 🔴Live!
The COLDEST ending 🔴Live! Grand Theft Auto V