Red Dead Redemption

The full story and mission walkthrough of Red Dead Redemption 1, right after having finished the story-prequel, RDR2.

Join us as we take John Marston throughout these fictitious states, where the old west is on the brink of modernization. Out with the old, in with the new, as they say. John will take that stance against his gang in this highly acclaimed title by Rockstar Games.

Undead Nightmare

The HIT expansion for Red Dead Redemption with juicy zombies.

Mod list / setup info for RDR1

RDR1 is running on Xenia Canary, an Xbox 360 emulator. I own this game, but Xenia allows for 60 FPS patches and more when running it through the emulator. Plus it’s easier to livestream on PC.

To utilize mouse and keyboard controls, I use these tools:

  • vJoy

VERY helpful Xenia video for getting Red Dead Redemption running smoothly:

Coine Crew Discord Server

Want to talk about this game and more with Coine? Check out the Discord server, it's always open and free to join!


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