Initially released in 2018 and the third game in the origin reboot series, we play today, in the same playthrough series as the previous two games.
- Tomb Raider (playlist episodes 1–3)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (playlist episodes 4–5)
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider (playlist episodes 6 onward)
One of THE best action games ever 🔴Live! Tomb Raider
When the hunted becomes the hunter 🔴Live! Tomb Raider
The story of an unstoppable force 🔴Live! TOMB RAIDER
From badass to… more badass 🔴Live! Rise of the Tomb Raider
One-man army type sh** 🔴Live! Rise of the Tomb Raider
The start of another journey 🔴Live! Shadow of the Tomb Raider
A race against time 🔴Live! Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Saving the world is hard 🔴LIVE! Shadow of the Tomb Raider