Shattered Ice Ruins is a jumping puzzle located in Frostgorge Sound, a level 70-80 zone in Guild Wars 2.The puzzle should only take about three minutes, and you can skip through all of the mobs. It is, however, useful to kill a...
Category - Guild Wars 2
Only Zuhl is a jumping puzzle located in Timberline falls, a level 50-60 area. This puzzle doesn’t require too much finesse with jumping, but you will come across a lot of mobs. You can avoid them or fight them, but...
Coddler’s Cove is a jumping puzzle located in Timberline Falls, a level 50-60 area in Guild Wars 2.The puzzle is easy, but requires short little jumps that people tend to overshoot. Don’t use swiftness, just use your...
One of the fairly longer jumping puzzles, Goemm’s Lab is located in Metrica Province, the Asura starting zone. You’ll need to be around level 11 to do it, and will take around 12 minutes to complete if you know what...
King Jalis's Refuge is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Snowden Drifts. It takes just a minute or two to complete.
Mistwrought Vault is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in each of the WvW Borderlands. This jumping puzzle is identical in each of the three borderlands, but you can earn achievement points for each one of them. Individually, the...
Obsidian Sanctum is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in the mists, the WvW area, and will take roughly 10 to 15 minutes to complete. That is, if you're not getting ganked by other players.
Professor Portmatt's Lab is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Bloodtide Coast. It has absolutely no jumping in it, but you do need to solve a puzzle. It may be annoying for those that are unsure of what to do.
Spelunker's Delve is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Caledon Forest. It takes just a minute or two to complete, but may be hard to find if you don't know where to look.
Griffonrook Run is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Lornar's Pass. To open the chest, you'll have three minutes to bring a bomb to it without getting hit by griffons.
Tribulation Caverns is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in the Dredgehaunt Cliffs. Tribulation Rift Scaffolding is required before you can start this puzzle.
Tribulation Rift Scaffolding is a GW2 jumping puzzle in the Dredgehaunt Cliffs. It is required to be able to grab the vista in this area and to start the Tribulation Caverns jumping puzzle.
Spekk's Laboratory is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Caledon Forest. It is easy, but may take a couple of tries to get. If you fall, you can transport yourself back to the last terminal you were at by visiting with a golem...
Winter Wonderland is a GW2 jumping puzzle that can be done during Wintersday, which comes once every year, at the end of the year, for roughly six weeks. You can start the jumping puzzle by talking to an activity NPC in Lion's...
Shamans Rookery is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Wayfarer Foothills. It's quick and easy, and you can skip the mobs for a faster run to the chest.
Vizier's Tower is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in the Straights of Devastation. It's required if you want a vista and skill point up at the top, but is very easy and requires little time or effort.
Antre of Adjournment is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Malchor's Leap. It's quick and easy, contains around five tiny chests that give materials, and the chest at the end. The most annoying part of the puzzle is the camera...
Both Morgan's Leap and Dark Reverie are GW2 jumping puzzles located in Caledon Forest. While they're both separate achievements and chests, you'll be required to complete Morgan's Leap before being able to do Dark Reverie...
Not So Secret is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Gendarran Fields. Considered to be one of the harder jumping puzzles, this one might take you a couple of tries before being able to complete it. It also has a pair of diving...
Buried Archives is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Cursed Shore. The puzzle itself is very easy and straight-forward, though the mobs may be a bit tough. So if you're not a high enough level for Cursed Shore, we'd recommend...
Hexfoundry Unhinged is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Sparkfly Fen. It's an easy puzzle as long as you know where to go -- the jumps themselves are in no way complicated.
The Collapsed Observatory is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Kessex Hills. It's fast and easy, though you will need to fight a Veteran Troll at the end to claim your reward.
Loreclaw Expanse is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in the Plains of Ashford. There are a few dangerous traps that can kill you quickly, but once you get past those, it's smooth-sailing.
Chaos Crystal Cavern is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Iron Marches. It's a quick and easy one, though it may be frustrating if conditions are inflicted on you mid-jump.
Swashbuckler's Cove is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Gendarran Fields. This one requires you to light four different torches and kill a veteran to advance to the next stage. There are no hard jumps to make whatsoever.
Pig Iron Quarry is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Fireheart Rise. This puzzle is straight-forward, though if you fall at certain points you'll need to start over.
Branded Mine is a jumping puzzle located in the Fields of Ruin in Ascalon. It's a quick and easy one, though it may get annoying for those that dislike screenshakes from the falling rocks.
Wall Breach Blitz is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Diessa Plateau. This jumping puzzle is required to be able to get a skill challenge and vista located in the southern area of Diessa Plateau, at The Breached Wall.
Grendich Gamble is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Diessa Plateau. This jumping puzzle doesn't contain a chest, but it does have a rich silver vein at the top (as well as nets you an achievement, of course).
Crimson Plateau is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Crimson Plateau. It's easy and requires little time or effort.
Skipping Stones is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Southsun Cove. This one may be annoying, as if you fall during the skipping stone parts, you'll need to start all over again.
Demongrub Pits is a jumping puzzle located in the southeast portion of Queensdale, in a cave of the same name.
Hidden Garden is a jumping puzzle located in Mount Maelstrom. For this one, you'll need to kill one of four keepers to access a portal that takes you to the JP.
Conundrum Cubed is a jumping puzzle located in Mount Maelstrom. You'll find it in the northwest corner, north of the Govoran waypoint.
Fawcett's Bounty is a jumping puzzle located in Harathi Hinterlands. Like most jumping puzzles, it takes only a few minutes to complete. The Fawcett's Revenge achievement can also be earned by falling to your death during the...
Troll's End is a jumping puzzle located in Lion's Arch. It will only take a few minutes to complete, though the camera angle at times can get fairly annoying.
Urmaug's Secret is a quick, two-minute jumping puzzle located in Lion's Arch. Head to Lion's Shadow Inn waypoint and run northeast into Urmaug's cave to get started.
Weyandt's Revenge is a jumping puzzle located in Lion's Arch. It's very easy and takes roughly eight minutes to complete, from the waypoint to the chest.
Here's a tutorial for Blazeridge Steppe's jumping puzzle, Craze's Folly. Watch the video or read the written tutorial to breeze through this simple puzzle. You'll need to fight a few enemies along the way, but they're a breeze...
Behem Gauntlet is a quick jumping puzzle. The hardest part, which isn't hard at all, is getting into the cave while spiders are attacking you. Either run past them or kill them (we prefer to kill them as they tend to root you...